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The Sales Funnel For Effective Online Marketing

Apr 26

Since ancient times, sales funnels have been part of marketing and traditional business. In recent times however, it appears that funnels are getting discussed everywhere online.

People want to learn more about the marketing concept and how it can be utilized to enhance their online marketing efforts. Continue reading to learn more about the sales funnel and how it can be used to efficient Internet marketing.

The Sales Funnel: What is it?

A marketing funnel does not necessarily mean the concept of a funnel. In this case, the use of the term funnel is to visually define the process of selling from beginning to the conclusion. It is a wide opening for customers who are known as "Unqualified Prospects" at its top and a smaller opening for sales conversion at the lower end. This is a great comparability.

We may call these "unqualified prospects" at the top or at the beginning of the funnel. These are the those who may require your products and services however haven't been contacted by you before. You'll have many offers and sales activities later and you'll have people who have purchased your product or service.

The effectiveness of a lead generation funnel comes down to the fact that it allows you to track potential prospects' actions throughout the lengthy sales process. Utilizing the sales funnel to determine the amount of qualified prospects at each step, you will be able to determine how many potential customers will become actual customers.

You can make use of the sales funnel to identify where and how your sales procedure is working or not, and also if you are not getting enough customers. This information will allow you to decide which areas to concentrate your efforts and help you reach your goals in marketing. It's used to measure and manage the sales process of clients.

The top of the Sales Funnel or Front The Sales Funnel Front End

The uppermost part of your sales funnel will be the most active part of your sales funnel and will require the most constant testing. You'll discover virtually limitless front-end strategies limited only by your imagination and resources.

The front-end's main objective is to attract potential clients and convert those buyers into buyers further through the sales funnel.

The prospective client becomes "qualified" once they opt-in or sign up for something you provide. This is the point of the sales funnel that the prospective customer, or "Unqualified Prospect" is a qualified lead due to an action that actually demonstrates that may have enough interest to purchase the product or service you offer.

Your front-end should be able to bring targeted traffic to your site or blog. The most effective methods and resources to accomplish this include articles marketing, PPC adverts, social media (Google+, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube) banners and blogging, forum posting, content marketing and more.

There are a variety of ways to "qualify","qualify" the "Unqualified prospect". One of the best methods to determine the quality of prospects is by creating an online squeeze page. It allows you to provide something valuable to your product which users can receive for free, or at a substantially lower cost, in exchange for their name and email. There are a variety of products to choose from, including newsletters, videos, email courses, eBooks, and related reports.

So we realize that the front end of the sales funnel is where folks are drawn to your sales funnel. The back-end is the part we need to focus on.


The Bottom or Back-End of the Funnel

The back-end, or bottom, of the sales funnel are where the majority of profit and sales take place. It usually contains your higher priced products. These would all be related to the same subject, but in different formats like audio, video or live interactions.

The main difference between front-end and back-end is the kind of client, and also the price of the service or product being offered.

Even though it is true that a very tiny percentage of people be able to enter your front-end however, just 1-2% of them will actually end up in your back-end. This is fine, as this tiny group will be investing much more money.

It is clear that although front-end products or services can be priced under $100, back end products and/or services are often priced between the 100s and 1000s. This make the back-end or bottom of the funnel sales funnel to be the main source of revenue for your Internet company, and it's the most reliable and stable area in this sales funnel.

As I said earlier the sales funnel is as flexible as your imagination and resources allow.

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