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Yeast Infection 101: What Every Woman Needs To Know

May 16

Yeast Infection 101: What Every Woman Needs To Know

Yeast infections are something many people suffer from. A yeast infection can strike at the most inconvenient time imaginable. They are irritating and can even embarrass you. Luckily, there are things that you can do to fight off your yeast infection. You can even prevent infections from re-occurring.

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If you have a yeast infection, try to reduce the hot and spicy foods that you eat during your meals and snacks. These types of foods can aggravate the infections that you have any make you feel very uncomfortable. Eat moderate foods if you want to feel comfortable with a yeast infection.


Avoid scented materials around the vaginal area. Scented soap and deodorants may result in irritation and may cause infections. It is really important to avoid scented pads or tampons because they can be extremely irritating and are very close to the area where a yeast infection is born. Also, don't use toilet paper with colored dyes.


Avoid douching or washing inside of the vagina, as it not only kills off harmful bacteria, but also good ones. Taking douching one step too far can also wash away the protective lining of the vagina, which leaves you more prone to yeast as well as other types of vaginal infections.


Yeast infection creams don't work well with diaphragms or condoms. Cream can also interfere with birth control. Avoid having sex until the yeast infection has cleared up. If this is not possible, discuss better contraceptive options with your doctor.


Stay away from scented feminine hygiene products. The chemicals used to create those pleasing scents can alter your body's natural pH. This creates an environment that is perfect for a colony of yeast to develop. Bypass the scented pads and tampons and opt for all natural products, free from chemical scents and dyes.


If you are susceptible to yeast infections, look at your eating habits. Consuming too many sugary foods can make your body a prime breeding ground for infection. If this is the case, try fruits, nuts and vegetables instead of sugary snacks.


Oral yeast infections are another form of infection that you can contract. If you develop an infection, go to your doctor right away. You can make the itching and burning go away by drinking cool water or rinsing with warm water mixed with salt.


If you suffer from a yeast infection and are looking for a natural home remedy, consider Tea Tree Oil. Tea Tree Oil has been used to treat many infections and over the years, it is still one of the most commonly used remedies for a yeast infection. Consider adding a drop of sweet almond oil to help relieve some of the effects of the Tea Tree Oil after application.


Don't sit idly by and wait for a yeast infection to subside by itself. You have to take action. If you apply what you've learned in this article, your yeast infection problem will soon be a distant memory. Utilize this advice and you will discover a new degree of joy settling in on your life.