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Minimizing Stress And Maximizing Results: How To Have A Successful Dog Training Program

Jun 11

Minimizing Stress And Maximizing Results:  How To Have A Successful Dog Training Program

If you are tired of stepping in your dog's accident throughout your house or hearing your dog bark, when all of your friends come over, then you have come to the right place. This site is equipped with plenty of tips to help you get your little friend under control, starting today.

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If you have gotten a dog or puppy and you have crate trained them you should always try not to keep them in there for more than four or five hours at a time unless it's overnight or it's just a once-in-awhile thing. If you have to have them in the crate for longer periods of time, a dog probably wasn't the best option for you.


Your dog's diet plays a huge role in their training and establishing a definitive feeding routine is important. Training your pet to expect when to get food will teach him a feeding schedule in which he could adhere to. Before long, your dog will learn to eat more quickly and efficiently.


A dog's name should only be used when positively interacting with the animal. Call the dog's name to get him to come to your side or call his name when you are serving his dinner. Don't, however, call your dog's name when you are unhappy with his or her actions. The dog would negatively associate that with punishment.


Dogs learn through reinforcement. When your dog does something you approve of and you would like to train them to do that on command, reward them with your voice. Consider, for example, the dog that unpredictably brings his owner his slippers. The owner should excitedly say the word "slippers" or whatever word they chose as a command for that behavior.


When attempting to house train your pup, keep in mind that whatever goes in, must go out. To help your pup develop a regular bathroom schedule, feed it quality food two or three times each day, always at particular times. This will get your dog into a solid routine for bathroom breaks.


Make sure you're not reinforcing an undesirable behavior. You don't want to give your dog treats or special attention during training if they're not performing the task properly. If you do, then they'll think you're pleased and continue to do things the way they're doing them, and they won't improve.


When you are trying to train your dog to follow a command, repetition is key. Practice the command multiple times a day and be sure to offer your dog praise and a treat when he or she successfully follows your command. Repetition will ensure that your dog will remember and follow the command in the future.


Dogs can get very rowdy and be very difficult to train. This is especially true, if you do now know how to train your friend. Hopefully, you understand more about how to get your dog under control. Apply the tips listed in this article and your dog will be on his way, to truly being, your best friend.