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On The Verge Of Bankruptcy? These Tips Are Here To Help!

Jun 27

On The Verge Of Bankruptcy? These Tips Are Here To Help!

Have you filed for bankruptcy recently? Do you want to position yourself for the future so that you do not have to file for it again? Well, if you have found yourself in a bind, but want to ensure that it does not happen again, then have a look through this article.

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If you have to file bankruptcy, get a lawyer to look over your paperwork before you file. Bankruptcy laws can be very complex, and if you do not have a lawyer, you can get yourself in trouble. Not only are there legal issues that you could face, but you could also end up losing property and cash that you think are protected.


Hire a lawyer. Filing for bankruptcy does not require a lawyer, but a lawyer makes the process easier. It allows you some degree of relief to know, that a professional will be handling your case. Take your time, and choose a lawyer with a lot of experience in the field.


Don't think of bankruptcy as the ruination of your financial future. Once your bankruptcy has been discharged, you can begin to work on re-building your credit right away. By continuing to make timely monthly payments and not applying for new credit, you can significantly raise your credit score within 6 months. And, if you maintain good credit for that amount of time, you may find it possible to get approval for loans to make large purchases, such as a home or car.


Know the difference between Chapters 7 and 13 bankruptcies. Chapter 7 will wipe your debts clean, meaning you will not owe what you file against. Chapter 13 requires you to agree to repay your debts. These debts need to be repaid within three to five years of the filing date.


Be prepared to complete some mandatory courses. When you file for bankruptcy, the court will require that you successfully complete two mandatory courses, a credit counseling course and a debtor education course. Both of these courses can be completed online for a nominal fee, and while they are not too difficult, it is important that you are prepared for them.


If you are planning to file for bankruptcy, be certain not to transfer any of your belongings or valuables to another person. This includes taking your name off of joint bank accounts or other financial assets. The court will be looking for anything of value in order to repay creditors, and you will be asked under oath whether you have left anything out. If you do not tell the truth, you may be charged with perjury and could possibly spend time in jail. Remember, honesty is the best policy.


Avoiding bankruptcy is all about planning. Once you plan things out and execute your plan, you make sure that you are financially secure, no matter what comes up. Proper planning is key to making sure you are not stressed in life. Apply these tips to your life, so that you do not have to file for bankruptcy ever again.